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From the 29th of May 2012 a new Cookie Regulation will be enforced that website owners must clearly identify what cookies are in use and their purpose.

Below is a list of cookies that we use which enable our site to operate and to understand how to serve our customers better.

Should you wish to opt out of these cookies please follow the instructions below for your browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer:
    Click the tools menu, then Internet Options

    Click on the privacy tab
    Select the appropriate setting

Mozilla firefox:
    Choose the tools menu then Options
    Click on privacy icon
    In history change the firefox will to use custom settings and then select the appropriate cookie option.

    Click the spanner and then settings
    Click under the bonnet and then content settings
    Select the appropriate setting


What happens if I disable cookies?

This depends on the settings you chose, but the site may not operate correctly and it will be unlikely you will be able to complete your purchase.


Our cookies

laravel_session, session_payload: cookies that enable users to login to the site

PHPSESSID, edit-page-tab: CMS specific cookies, not used at all on our site except by admins for usability

ml_basket, mm_basket_v2: enables users to add to their basket

cookie-banner: used for the cookie notice


3rd party cookies

_ga[a-z]: cookies prefixed with _ga are part of Google Analytics.

di, dt, loc, uid, uit, uvc: enables users to share content with social media

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to remember your settings, personalise content, improve website performance, analyse traffic and assist with our general marketing efforts. Learn more